Wednesday 21 May 2014

The Next Steps

Producer Ryan Butt here, folks. Back on the Blog-Train, choo-chooing down the development track along with our ever growing project, currently at Post-Production station in St John's!

What a crazy Winter! For everyone involved, Catherine Adelaide is but one of many projects. Some of us have dayjobs, some of us are just getting out of school, and a few of us have other pieces we are involved with! Throughout the past few months, we've gotten very used to interpreting texts and emails at various points in the day -- some nervous, some totally pumped, most excited, all hilarious.

Jian, with that cute face we don't mind.

So where exactly are we right now?

Glad you asked, bold italics!

Well I just can't wait for the answer!

Well shut-up and let me tell you...


Where was I...

In February we were incredibly honoured to have the Newfoundland Labrador Film Development Cooperation come on-board with generous funding for our post-production process! In the early days, Andrew and I had thought that after filming, we'd lock ourselves in his room again and spend many sleepless nights poring over footage and putting it together bit by bit, occasionally breaking for Doctor Who and to top-up on Pop Tarts -- much like we did with our first effort together, The Boys. Luckily, though, that isn't the case! Thanks to the donation from the NLFDC we have been able to continue working with Christian Davis, as well as bring Aaron Elliott who is going to do the film's overall colour correction. This means the Catherine Adelaide project has been able to continue employing young professional artists, which has been and will continue to be a major focus of ours.

Editor Christian Davis

Last week I had the privilege of seeing a rough cut of the film, and couldn't be more excited. We all have something pretty special on our hands, there is no doubt about that. Soon, Andrew will be making a few trips from Gander to St John's to put together the finishing touches, and we will have a finished project to begin submitting to festivals -- something new and a little scary for us, but luckily we have an experienced guide in the form of Jana Gillis.

So, that's a general feel of where we are right now -- at this very second, though, I'm listening to some songs
sent to me by the director. Originally Andrew wanted an old Jazzy atmosphere for the short picture, but now we are all leaning towards the idea of contacting Newfoundland and Labrador musicians and bands. This would tie a nice big local bow around our little film. This process is amazing, since it involves sampling a ton of awesome local music with the hope of making it a part of the film!

The right music, as you probably already know, can make or brake a film. We're far form making a final decision, at this point, but as always the journey has been plenty of fun.

A trailer post soon to come!

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